A simple alternative to unique fundraising ideas

It’s been a tough couple of years for fundraisers. Austerity continues to affect all channels and the Press have been less than helpful. Additionally, social networking and technology continue to disrupt the charity landscape. Unsurprisingly, most of the fundraisers we talk to are looking for unique fundraising ideas to re-engage supporters and attract new younger audiences.

The trouble with unique fundraising ideas

However, a few fundraisers have found an easier alternative. They recognise that a new unique fundraising idea can involve enormous effort, nagging worries and sleepless nights. Sometimes, in the search for the new, we forget the simplicity of squeezing a little more juice from the lemons we already have.

Squeezing the lemon

For instance, think about the most important assets you have. What if you could double the number of donors across your existing activities? It is worth taking a look at this infographic from Bloomerang. It shows that there is one single biggest reason that donors leave us that eclipses all others. That more than half of donors surveyed put it down to poor communication.

But I am already squeezed dry

“How can I improve my communications?”, you ask. There are hundreds, sometimes thousands, of supporters. I give up my weekends unpaid to be at every event I can. In fact, during the summer months, I use my time machine and other magical illusion tricks to be at three events simultaneously. I personally present as many certificates as humanly possible with hand-written thank yous. In fact, the most recognised person in the local newspaper is me.

Furthermore, I try and keep marketing and legislation happy ensuring that everything is on-brand and uses an approved tone-of-voice. Permission is also sought for every photo used. I track event ratios and supporter journeys. Moreover, I have become a black belt at social media. Then the cherry on the top is doing all this on the most impossibly tight budget.

I need an efficiency machine

Therein lies the key. A unique fundraising idea will add to your load. What you really need is an efficiency machine to add to your time machine. Imagine if you could create your own personalised publicity within a couple of minutes. That you could do this anytime day or night with an almost instant turnaround. Imagine not having to contact marketing because it is guaranteed to be on-brand and compliant. Above all, not having to contact a designer because it is also guaranteed to look professional.

Empower the assets you already have

Or go further and empower your supporters to create their own personalised publicity. Safe in the knowledge that it will be professional looking, on-brand and compliant. We find that giving supporters more control engages and inspires them. Motivated, engaged supporters attract new supporters, create successful events and boost fundraising.

Modern publicity systems

In conclusion, fundraisers that use modern publicity systems get up to half their time back. They find that supporters engage and they attract new audiences. Above all, they achieve this using their existing proven event formats and ideas.

Meet some of our clients that have found the simple alternative to unique fundraising ideas.