Sometimes building a business is not just about making money

My view of RightMarket, a product I have grown to understand during my time as Marketer at RightMarket, was flipped upside down. For the better. Who would have thought that filming a case study would have left me feeling different about the product I felt I understood?

If you’re reading this and have no idea what RightMarket is or does – click the link here to read about the details of the product – you know the information you’d ordinarily want to know about. But this blog is more than just the details. It’s a story about how Sue Ryder changed my view.

As a successful customer of RightMarket, I arranged to film a video case study at the Sue Ryder Hospice at Thorpe Hall in Peterborough with David Gledhill; Design and Production Manager, Suzanne Ostler; PR, Marketing and Communications Officer and Jake Atkinson; Fundraising Assistant.

Sue Ryder provides hospice and neurological care as well as emotional support to people with complex needs and life-threatening conditions across the UK and internationally. Treating more conditions than any other UK charity. They now have over 3,000 staff and 12,000 volunteers based across the UK.

As most case studies go, they are a positive experience, with great things being said about your product, and how they have enjoyed working with you as a business. All of which is great. It’s why you set up a case study right?

Sue Ryder have had great success since implementing RightMarket into their Marketing. They have dramatically reduced their costs and regained their time back by creating their Marketing collaterals on our responsive templates. Guaranteed to be on-brand and perfectly executed every time by anyone of any skill set. An important factor for the Sue Ryder team.  David, Suzanne and Jake are and were great advocates for what we do.

But there’s more.

I was kindly given a tour of the new Hospice facility on site at Thorpe Hall. The environment was wonderful – even the walls were branded in Sue Ryder’s bright and cheerful colours. Each corridor was named after a season and you could tell immediately how much love, care and thought had gone into the planning of the hospice. Not only the patients but the staff and volunteers too.

When you think of a charity, of course, you know how important raising and saving money is for them. But do you really know how far along the business that goes down?

The realisation for me was that the money RightMarket had given them back doesn’t then pay for another solution software to solve another business need or upgraded fancy laptops. It goes to the hospice and the amazing care Sue Ryder provide.

Let me put that into perspective for you;

  • £100 allows a specially trained hospice member of staff to support patients who want to be cared for at home.
  • £50 provides bereavement counselling for someone struggling with the loss of a loved one.
  • £10 helps provide expert telephone support and advice to people at home.

So when I remembered that before RightMarket was implemented, the Sue Ryder Marketing Department was spending £9,000 a year on unnecessary design briefs. It’s amazing to realise how many people will benefit from that £9,000 saving when you see where it could go.

So yes, RightMarket has given Sue Ryder a great cost saving across various different marketing collaterals and is hugely beneficial to them. It is now a firm part of their processes for their marketing and fundraising teams. The money once spent on design can now be spent on delivering the care the charity is known for.

As a result of saving money, Sue Ryder can help impact someone’s life and end of life care. A subject close to my heart. The Sue Ryder hospices across the country are giving patients their dignity back. A thing I felt my grandmother lost in her final days. For a brand to really work hard on a person’s dignity is incredibly important to me and many other families across the world.

The whole experience really changed my perspective of the wider ramifications of what we do to help businesses such as charities.

Thanks to David, Suzanne and Jake, I can now look deeper into every business we work with to find out their own unique story behind their facts and figures which RightMarket has driven out.

If you’d like to find out more about the work Sue Ryder do, then please visit their website here.

If you’d like to watch our Sue Ryder Case Study, please click here.