How to create an event poster for your charity?

Promoting your charity event isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It can be hard to spread the word of what your doing and what you’re doing it for. But what better way to promote your charity and event than create an event poster which is unique, alluring, and appealing? Try RightMarket. When you create an event poster correctly, it can be a logical and cost-effective way of communicating your event to the public!

How to create the perfect event poster?

When creating the perfect event poster, there are 5 key steps to follow;

1. Attract Attention

First of all, make your poster stand out from the crowd, by creating something bright, different and eyecatching.

2. Keep it Simple

Keep your words and sentances, simple, short and direct. Avoid complicated jargon that makes sense to you, but not to anybody else.

3. Stick to the Facts

Don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information that isn’t relevant. Keep it to the main important facts.

4. Use of Colours

Colours are a great way to make your poster look visually appealing, but be careful not to use very similar colours that can make your poster hard to read.

5. Bold and Clear Text

Use the correct font to ensure your text is bold and clear. After all, its the text that is carrying your important message!

The Advertising Standards Authority also gives some good and clear directions on what event posters say and where they should be placed.

How can RightMarket help with event posters?

RightMarket software allows you to create your very own poster that can be used for countless different events without having to create an entirely new poster every time. This keeps the time you spend producing publicity materials to a minimum, leaving you with more time to work on other strategic charity projects. Less admin time I hear you ask? Really?

Less admin time I hear you ask? Really?

Yes really!

When we asked 50 fundraisers from across the UK about poster and admin time, 90% of them said admin tasks such as creating posters took them 3 to 4 hours PER DAY!


Fundraising isn’t about being tied to your desk for 80% of your week producing countless posters and other publicity materials. So, why let it be? Why not move away from traditional methods, and try the new way of poster creation?

So, how do you create an event poster with RightMarket?

The way you create your poster is simple. Our technology takes your various individual designs, puts them into ONE template and turns them into live artwork. This live artwork can then be customised by you! Add different information such as a catchy headline, dates, location, social media tags and how people can donate to your cause. In less than 3 minutes! There’s now no need to faff around with an indesign file or a word document, ever again!

As a charity organisation, you can also give your supporters access to RightMarket to encourage them to put on more independent fundraising events. Let them take control and feel proud over what they are producing – whilst still retaining your professional style and core brand guidelines.

Picture your supporters as an extension of your fundraising team and let them produce posters that even internal staff would be proud of!

Empowering supporters to create their own professional looking materials will not only increase the amount of events they could put on for your charity (because, let’s face it, it was so easy, they’ll feel like they could do it time and time again) Giving them the ability to raise more money for your cause. But they will be able to increase the awareness of your charity in the community and what it does to help on a local and regional level.

Who wouldn’t want that type of help and exposure?

What types of events could be publicised using RightMarket?

  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Cake Sale
  • Open Garden
  • Jumble Sale
  • Sky diving
  • Mountain climbing
  • Quiz Night
  • Concerts
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Treks

And the list quite literally goes on! No matter what event you or your supporters put on, everything can be accessed through one, easy to use, simple and smart template.

So, why not try our Empty Belly template and create an event poster for free by clicking the button below?